Thursday, July 24, 2008

How do place and space function in your book?

How do place and space function in your book?

Choose a passage that looks at the story’s setting. Consider how characters relate to the space. Please answer all of the following questions.
1. Is it a virtual space (online chat room) or an actual place in the world (house, playground etc.)?
2. What does it look like (give us a brief description)?
3. Why is it a significant space? What happens there that is meaningful?
4. Imagine what you would do if someone dropped you off in this space.
a. Would it change your day-to-day life?
b. Would it affect how you see yourself?
c. Would the space begin to change your philosophy on life and personal beliefs?
5. How does the author use place/space to bring out the characters’ identity? What do we learn about the characters as a result of them being in a particular space? Why did the author choose to write the story within this particular space?

(for those reading STF choose any one of the chapters to discuss)


Ange said...
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Ange said...

"Wrestling's like club where ounce you get in, you can't get out." (pg. 12) Mitchell, South Dakota.

1. The Gym (Stranger Than Fiction- Where Meat Comes From)
2. It has a wrestling mat for two people to wrestler on, and a big crowd surrounding the mat.
3. To most athletes the gym is their most sacred place. It's where players become heroes and boys become men. to them it's more than just where they play sports. It's place where they as a family lives, and bonds with eachother through the good and the bad.
4. Me personally, I would love to be dropped off in a gym, to me its like a second home. Because where i grew up I played sports all through out the year to keep out of trouble so a gym would actually be like a natural habitat.
5. When the wrestlers step foot in the gym, they completely in on their match and nothing else. And I can understand why they get so focused because when you are serious about a sport, and when it's game night- you don't hear nothing, you don't smell nothing, and you don't feel nothing. Your body is almost in its own state mind where no one can get in touch with you!!!!

shawn said...
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Jarryd said...

1.Ida B. Wells
2.Very junky,dirty,violent jungle like.
3.The characters grow up in this terrible neighborhood.
4.I would be scared but I would not show it, it would definitely change my day to day life because the chance of somthing happening to me is very high, it would really make me mad just looking around.
5. This place really is the book. The author's really get inside of this place because it's where they were raised and lived most of their life. This space showed us how it shaped and molded the characters into what they are. With the things that happen in this neighborhood I think any and everybody would be interested in how it is to live there.

devin ashley said...

The gym from Stranger than Fiction is an actual plave in the world. It is a very large hard mat with a giant circle in the middle of it, usually the color blue or red. It is a significant place because that is where people go to wrestle and practice. Many injuries happen on the mat, but alos alot of good times and memories. If someone dropped me off in this place i would probably just sit there or run around and play on the mat. But i definitly wouldn't wrestle with the other guys. It would not change my day to day life other than alot of bruises, injuries, and practices. It would affect the way i see myself by realizing how small and not strong i am compaired to most wrestlers. The space would not change my philosphy on life. I would however have a higher respect for wrestlers. The author uses the wrestling mat to bring out the characters identity because it is something they really enjoy. I learned that the characters in this short story are crazy and really into wrestling. I believe the author chose to story on a wrestling mat because it is telling a story about wrestlers and the wrestling mat is where the most action occurs, and where wrestlers spend most of their time.

Russell Niquette said...
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Russell Niquette said...

“Outside the ballroom, a crowd waits in the lobby, writers holding book manuscripts or movie screenplays. An organizer guards the ballroom doors, checking a list of names on a clipboard. She calls your name, and you step forward and follow her into the ballroom.” Stranger than Fiction, page 27

The Ballroom in the Airport Sheraton Hotel which is full of booths where buyers are separated from each other and people trying to sell a story to the potential buyers. This space has significance in the book due to it shows the desperation that some people go in order to sell their story. If I was dropped off here as a writer, I would try to see if what I had was good enough to sell. However if I was in the place of the buyers then I would listen to the stories around me. The stories that are described in the book could potentially change my life if I heard them in person, and how I see myself. Palahniuk brings out the characters by showing the how some of them are desperate to sell the stories.

shawn said...

1)The setting in my book, is an actual place.

2)IT looks like woods, just try to picture an forest preserve.

3)The reason why the space is so significant, is because it where he choses to make his living domain. What normal person would do such a thing?

4)personally, if someone dropped me off in that space i would panic!lol I hate snakes, and all things i can step on with my feet for that matter.

a)It most certainly would change my day to day life.

b)If i ever had to reside in the woods, i would consider myself a bum.

c)The space would definitly change my philosophy on life and personal beliefs, i would def value money

5)The thing that i learn about my character, from him living in his space is, the fact that he is cheap(if u look at it in todays prespective).He enjoys making his own clothes, home, and meals from various wildlife animals. I guess u could kinda consider him a caveman. I personally the author chose to pick this perticular setting, was because ofs its
endless possibilities.I puts your mind frame in an adventure train of thought.

Quinten said...

Where the story is set, in The Last American man, is important in telling the story of this man. It doesnt just talk about the wilderness. It talks about the first time the author met the main character (Eustace), and how she was in New York City. Most of the story however does take place in the spaces which the main character usually resides. The wilderness. He travels to many different places. Almost as if he treats the whole American land as his backyard. Though he does reside mostly in the Appalachian Mountains. For him these mountains are home, thats why its important.

"These are the mountains where the weak become strong and the strong become great"

I dont know if i could survive as long as this man did. i've camped many times, but nothing to the extent of what this man did for over thrity years. I'm sure i would adapt to the surroundings. Figure out more about myself, discover a world i never knew. The thought is romantic, but the actuality of doing something like that would be more than intense. The author didnt need to go to far with the setting. The setting this man lived in is just as much apart of this character as his personality is. Thats what makes his story so interesting.

Adam said...

"Wrestling has a kind of cult...." (page 24) To the wrestlers the space would be the mat or gym room.The mat is like a cold hard place where a wresteler lays down to sacrafice himself. This is significant to wrestelers bacause they train so hard all year just to be able to wrestle for a few minutes and have a few seconds of glory. If someone dropped me of on a mat I wouldnt know what to do because I never wresteled a day in my life and I would get beat down. But it might also inspire inspiration to want to wrestle becxause I hate to fail so I know that if I would wrestle and lose it would motivate me to train in wresteling. It has the possibility to cahnge my whole aspect of life and the way I perseve it. I already see myself as a strong person not just physically but also mentally and wresteling would only make me think that I would become even more stronger mentally and physically. Palahunick uses space to give more description to to his characters and brings you closer to the characters.

nick matsas said...

Stranger Then Fiction- Testy Festy

The setting is a bar called the Rock Creek Lodge in rural Montana. It's full of beer cans and beer belly's. The ground is covered in liquids of who knows what orgin. This Rock Creek Lodge is a place were people get up on a stage and perform intoxicated sexual acts and theres a crowd to participate. Is this just another world or do they represent us, humans? Pleasure is good, right?
Being there, hearing the crowd chant "fuck her, fuck, her, fuck her"(5) I would probably just start laughing, I don't think i would really do anything else. These people are your neighbors, brothers, and sisters.
There buying $17.00 expolsable cameras and taking pictures, they never want to lose that image,they always want to have it with them. This place must means alot to these people, they must be in heaven. For me it's Red Creek Lodge Montana, thats what they do there.

Jarryd said...

1.Ida B. Wells
2.Very junky,dirty,violent jungle like.
3.The characters grow up in this terrible neighborhood.
4."Our neighborhood is a fun neighborhood if you know what you're doing"(pg.33) I would be scared but I would not show it, it would definitely change my day to day life because the chance of somthing happening to me is very high, it would really make me mad just looking around.
5. This place really is the book. The author's really get inside of this place because it's where they were raised and lived most of their life. This space showed us how it shaped and molded the characters into what they are. With the things that happen in this neighborhood I think any and everybody would be interested in how it is to live there.

Carlos said...

" I think one of the biggest things is when they made the high rise homes in the neighborhood and stacked all of the people on top of each other. Ida B. Wells wasn't so bad before that-used to be beautiful. The people had beautiful yards, and took care of the houses. But the high rises in the neighborhood brought in all types of people that just didn't take care of things like they should have." (pg. 52)

The Wells is a place that changed from family safe to just plain dangerous. This is not a place to raise children or to life without fear. There is filth and open dirt fields. As a result of Lealan and Lloyd being able to tell their story, I learn that they are strong individuals. They were able to man up to a task that eventually led many people to see how they're living.

I think if I lived in their environment I would have a little trouble coping with it. I grew up in bad neighborhoods and without a dad so I kinda know what they're dealing with. They however are staying on track without getting into much trouble. If I lived there I think I might be getting into some trouble but probably not much into drugs. I would probably carry some sort of weapon for protection. I think being in that environment makes you insecure so carrying a weapon would be a must.

Young Moss said...
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Young Moss said...

"We want head!We want head!"
In my book, Stranger Than Fiction (Page 3), these are the chants from the crowd.
1-2.They chanting for a woman who is on a bar stage, which has red carpet, the lights are fluroescent. The red carpet is filled with sweat,chocolate pudding and whipped cream from the sexual practices that they are performing on stage.
3.It's significant because these king of activities happen all the time at a bar or at a festival.
4. If i was dropped off at this plsce to be honest, i would not want to leave.
A.My day to day life would be preparing all day to to there at night, because i would be addicted.
B.I would see myself as somewhat of a freak for this of maybe just my sign.
C. Yes, i believe my personal beliefs would be altered because i am blinded by the atmosphere
5. With the way the author describing the place and the characters in such detail the location that the author picked really brought the story to find it's identity.

Mark Asato said...

"In the ballroom at the Airport Sheraton Hotel, a team of men and women sit inside separate booths, curtained off from each other. They each sit at a small table, the curtains enclosing a space just big enough for a table and two chairs (STF pg. 27)." This is the location of one of the chapters in Stranger Than Fiction. This is an actually place that holds a lot of people. Outside of the ballroom, writers sit and wait until they are called in to have their idea heard. Here is where the writers can explain their big idea to a producer or a publisher. For most, this is where ideas are rejected and months of work are worthless. This would change my day-to-day life because if I had an idea and it was rejected, then I would have to start all over again. This would affect how I see myself, in the way that I would have to improve my selling skills and be more energetic. This space would not change my philosophy on life because it is only affecting my writing and not the rest of my life. The author uses this place to bring out the stress that is involved in the writing business. We learn that the characters have only a select amount of time to explain to the publishers what their idea is. The fact that there is a time limit causes pressure to arise. Because of this, most of the writers stumble or do not finish their entire idea. The author chose to write in this particular space, because it has a sense of pressure and nervousness that makes people react different, than in a normal and calm environment.

fashioncrzy said...

"in the ballroom at the Airport shearton Hotel, a team of men and women sit inside separate booths ,curtains enclosing a space just big enough for the table and two charis".
1. seems like they are at actual place like an restaurante or open mick
2.there are curtians, tables, separate booths, manuscripts or movie screenplays. there is also ballroom doors and a checking of a list on a clip board.
3. it sounds like there is a ball or a relly fancy gathering goin on
4.i would prolbably dressed really nice and try to act really serious probably change my day to day life because i really dont dress up all rhe time.
B.i would also feel really important. would change on some occutations.
5.some people are describe as being passive and other being exhasts ther self.the author probably wanted us to notice how people act diffently when they get around certian places. like they know there do's and don'ts

Rakisha ReNee' said...

"The Hood" is a noraml hang out spot for the characters in my book called Our America. To be more pacific its basically the Ida B. Wells homes and the neighborhood that surrounds it. "Our neighborhood is a fun neighborhood if you know what your doing".(pg.33)
The characters in my book give full details of their "hood" and surroundings. It's almost like they are giving me a tour of what it looks like. "See abandoned buildings, graffiti on the wall. See some kids playing on a little shopping cart that they got from Jewel Supermaket. Alot of trash here-glass and things. Bums on the streets, abandoned churches, and 50% of homes booared up that are located in the Ida B. Wells homes". (pg. 36)
If someone were to drop me if in this space i wouldn't know to react. The feeling of seeing so much filth in one area would make me mad. I would also be scared because i wouldn't know what to expect from the people in that area.This space would change how i look at life because i would more shocked then anything because im not used to seeing things like that on a normal basics. The author of this books brings it life because it is actuall painting a picture. You can actually see what the enviroment looks like without even looking at pictures. This enviroment has molded and shaped the characters into strong people.

tajahammons1 said...

"went on the West Side by the bulls stadium and showed Lloyd where my mother used to live in Henry Horner. I can remember when we used to visit her there on the weekends when my grandmother first got custody of us."
1.Henry Horner(where LeAlan mother use to stay.
2.Henry Horner is some what like the Ida B. Wells bored houses, trash on the ground,grafitti on the walls, low income neighborhood.
4.If someone dropped me off in there nieghborhood I would be scared for my life.It would change my everyday life because i would have realized someone has it worse than me. I would appreciate life much more and be thankful for where i was brought up(not around violence).
5.we learn about charaters in Our America Because of where they are from. we learn that the two boys are soul surviors they are both head and street smart.the author choose to write the story within this particular space because he want the readers to know how living in poverty would be, surviving everyday life being around drugs, gangs, and crimes

sweettea said...

"I don't think there's a more grueling sport to train in" (pg.12)

1. The space is an actual gym where they wrestle.
2. Round mat in which is probably filled with all sorts of germs seeing is that they SWEAT alot.
3. They wrestle. Wrestling means everything to these guys. They are willing to loose their lives and relationships with close ones.
4. I would hate it if someone just dropped me off at a gym to wrestle, you get all sweaty and nasty but I'm always willing to try something new. Lets just say I will never make that a career.
a. It would change my life as far as wreatling but going to the gym, I do that on a regular.(well sometimes)
b. In a way yes but i would never judge myself in what I do.
c. Yes. Wrestling is not something I plan to do, otherwise if i were to get the urge to become a wrestler I would be very passionate about what i do.
5. These wrestlers are so dedicated to this sport its like when they're there in the gym there in a place where noone can reach them...

brandon said...

1)Ida B. Wells Building
2)Infested with bugs, trashy, dirty, ghetto, poor people everywhere, very depressing place
3)It is where the story takes place at. It is where the boys grew up at.
4a)If someone dropped me off in this place i would have to cahnge my day to day lifestyle.
4b)it would affect how i see myself by allowing me to experience how it is to try to survive every day because of the voilence around me.
4c)no it would make my belief on life stronger. i believe that everything happens fpor a reason. this would strengthen that belief.
5)i believe that the author described the space as bad because that is the way it was. the place did strengthen the characters as individuals because that is what they had to survive through.