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Welcome to Pam and Rachel's blogspot. We will use this virtual space as a meeting ground to discuss topics that arise over the summer. Starting on Wednesday, July 23rd, 2 students will come up with questions to post for the class. These questions should help to facilitate discussion of things like themes in our readings, issues of writing and reading etc.or anything else that you feel will be of interest to us all.
reading the text is like a escape route to avoid what ever is going on around us. and by reading about someone's story says alot about our selves. it shows that we judge people by their actions and we learn from their mistakes even if we've commited the same ones. STF imperticular shows the more wild stide to how crazy life can be and it can be found in the smallest of towns, especially in states that are not that type. Montana is the last place people would think that there is some nude festival going on, but the story goes into such detail it makes u believe its possible.
When you read books and learn about the characters, you compare yourself to whatever they do in the book. In life, people look at what others do everyday and learn what to do and what not to do. You can learn a lot about yourself from interacting with other people. Sometimes you learn good things and also bad things about yourself. It depends on the environment that you watch people in that brings out your action. This action is caused by what you have learned about who you are. Even though you may not think that you are learning something about youself, you actually are without realizing it. It is important to learn about yourself, so that other people can learn about themselves when they are observing you.
You can learn many things about yourself by studying the lives of others. By examining and being in presence of other people you can compare yourself to the way they act. You can find faults in which you would like to avoid. You can also find things you like about their character and try to immitate it to the best of your ability. Immitate while still being yourself.
Theres a difference between imitating someone and being fake, trying to be them comapired to realizing their good qualities to become a better person yourself. Learning about yourself can be very hard or it can be easy. Most people are confussed about life at some point. But knowing and understanding where you want to go will help you on your journey to better understanding yourself.
As i was reading through the book i came to realize that people do many diffrent kinds of thing to satisfy themselves or feel as if they fit in.Even though i only read up two the second chapter this book to me has been really interesting.
Maybe i dont sit on a bed a punching myself in ear for ten minutes to recive what amature wrestlers call caulliflower ear. But i do sit on a bed a study for hours to get the grades i want.Basically what im trying to say is that even though people may do it in a different way some ways stranger than others, People do what they have to do to get where they feel like they need or want to be to get reconized for something they think is great.
Studying others lives is a really good way to learn and help you with your lives. It can show your mistakes, and it can also show your strength's. Lives are really easy to study and examine because it's something that we all have.
In my book I related with some of the things the main characters had to deal with because of their environment. Reading the first 4 chapters made me realize how grateful I really am,and how things could easily be worst for me. Studying one's life is very helpful for anyone of any culture and color.
growing up in north philly i always had to watch my back like the kids in the book "our america" but it was never like how it is in the book. they have it bad. we had to stay tough all the time too in north philly. any sign of weekness and we were getting our asses kicked.
i was in a bad environment but i wasn't ever poor before. we always hadd a means to survive.
As i continue to read througout my novel, i find myself relating to the character! He has been an independent, survivor for quite sometime. I personally can relate to being a independent person, and a survivor as well as far as im concerned. The reason i say survivor is because on a daily basis, i sit back and reflect on situations that i have been through, that could have had the outcome of me being dead or in jail, sad to say. excuse me for kinda of straying off, but back to the original question. You can learn a lot about yourself through studying others ranging from personal and simular situations, to favorite books,foods, and etc. Its all about exspanding your mind and opening your heart to recieve others simularities or differences, and using them in your life wherever u may see fit.
I'm reading about people who have it worse than I ever have. I'm learning that it would be hard to be in their situations. This book is also showing me the courage that it takes for people to face tough lives.
The relationships between the characters makes me appreciate my relationships. The characters have parents who are dead, an alcoholic, and one is being taken care of by his sisters. The violence they witness everyday makes me appreciate the fact that I rarely see things like those happen.
As I read my book I come to realize that some people are crazy. You can learn alot of things from interacting with different people. The people in my book do alot of wild things and I would model myself to be completely different. In the reading response I was asked who I am and I would say that I am not anything like the characters in the first chapter of the book. Like my old man said "some things are better to watch than do" and the things done were. . .well they were better to watch or in this case shall I say read. They were just Nasty. But it was entertaining so I guess it some nasty in me.....but not like that.
In comparing my life with the characters in my book, I learned about myself is that we all feel the emotions described in the intro. And how sometimes that when people get together for something like that sometimes there is an interesting interactions. Sometimes things do happen that are wild and crazier than I thought possible.
However I learned the most that I have a completely different attitude than the ones described in the first story in the book.
When your fallowing a character in a book or real life, I believe you can learn alot about yourself from studying them. It's sort of a compare and contrast,it's a way to see what type of person you are in the world, to find out how many people agree with you or disagree with you for better or worse.
It's also great to grab ideas from other people or to let people inspire you and I think reading is one of the best ways to do that.
By studying the lives of others i am able to learn to not make the same mistakes they did by learning from there mistake. I'm able to properly understand a persons situation instead of jumping to conclusions and judgeing.
My whole model for relationships are to actually get to know a person before takeing that long journey to love,girlfriend,etc.Studying them and how and why they do things invites you to accept them or fly pass the situation.
Related to my book i would have to say that the women who share their body so openly with a crowd for smiles and cheers, is that a girl you want to marry?Is that someone you would really want to spend the rest of your life with.Some might say yes and some are just shaking their heads in ashame. what i say is a mystery to know.
chickkka chika.
you can learn how other people lives may change yours. you can learn how many people have to work harder than you to get what they want. you may never know someone's situation until you actually take the time to listening to what they have to say and studying should never judge anyone by who they are or where they come from until you have studied thier lives and look at things from thier point of view.
Reading through the first few pages of my book i was captured by this mans story. The story of a man who lives of the land, does everything for himself and is completely happy and satisfied with just that. I've heard stories like this mans before, I've read and seen "Into the Wild". I have an admiration for these people. They seem to understand we dont need worldy things to be happy. Im not saying living of the land and hunting your own food is what makes you happy, or recommend it to anyone. But these people understand the difference between being alive and actually living. I admire that.
As i am reading the book i realized that the characters are strong individuals. The world and enviroment that they live in make them grow up to see and hear things they shouldn't. Now that i look at there life i try to compare to see what we have in common and the difference between us. There is really nothing in common with myself and the characters it seems like we are from two different worlds.
I start to learn more about myself by looking at there lives. There life is more of a struggle than mines it seems like it is hard to survive. I thought my life was hectic and hard but it is nothing compared to there's. I start to appreciate the life i have more because somebody has it worse than me.
as i was reading this begiinng of this book i realize that people take adavntage of their free will to hard. it was really wild and crazy and ertoic. i really couldnt compare myself to this book because it sounded like the girls in this beging didnt have no type of self respect for themseelves. but im not goin to say i never had my downfalls or flaws. But mine arent to the exterme like that. it is also nice to read stories that are true because it is reality and that s how the world really is. sometimes people need news flash to see how the world is becoming.
I agree with what Rakisha ReNee' said
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