Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What is a parent?

What is a parent?

Look through your book and find a passage (at least 1 sentence) that talks about parenting.

Make sure to include this quote somewhere in your blog (beginning, middle or end).

1. Who is a parent in this book? (mothers, fathers, grandparents, teachers etc.)
2. What do characters do or say that helps to define them as parents? (Give specific examples)
3. Complete this sentence: A parent is ______________________.


Ange said...
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Ange said...
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devin ashley said...
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Young Moss said...
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Young Moss said...
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Ange said...

A parent can be anyone that teaches or raises a child as they are in their growing stages. but they dont just teach you, they nuture you, and show affection although some more than others. And some parents are not so supportive of their child's activities. they may not agree with what they child is doing but they show there support. on page 14 the mother doesnt show complete support for her son's sport. "his grandparents would say all the time this is nuts...there have been injuries- listing off a bunch. my wife will only go to a few of Chris's events. like state and nationals, because she's afraid of the injuries." In this case there is some reasoning behind not showing up to her child's sport. It's because she doesnt want to see her kid get hurt. and you cant blame here for not wanting so see his pain. and thats one of the hardest things for a parent is to witness a child's pain and know that there is nothing they can do, but sit back and watch there kid suffer.

Young Moss said...
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Young Moss said...
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fashioncrzy said...
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Young Moss said...

In "Stranger Than Fiction," the book i'm reading, David Rodrigues says, "My wife will only go to a couple of tournaments a year. She'll go to State and she'll go to nationals, but she won't go to a lot because she's afraid of injuries. She dosen't want to be there when one happens." (PG 14)
I choose this because parents are there because they love you. They want to see you succeed. They understand the nature of the situation and they agree to go alone with it. A parent is someone who looks after you and cares for you. A parent in this case choose to stand by their child even though they didn't fully agree with the situation. They have an understanding with their son and i really hope they have an understanding with their doctor because he has had numerous injuries.

fashioncrzy said...

A parent is someone who has dvine love for you and is always there when you need them. they also make sureto teach their child how to be a better person then themselves. they also try to prevent them from seeing and doin things that they experience." Those are the kind of injuries you pray that never happen, but at the same token we all understand that's nature of the sport"(pg 14 stf). A parent charater in the book is David rodriques and he is telling chris of how he us to wreslte and the injuries he used dto have. he improves of him and is sport but he just wants him to be careful. David also explain how he broken alot of things and he dosent want chris to do the same but he stills suppports him.A parent would never want to see their child suffer or struggle trough anything. parents love to see their kids succed at what they work at.

devin ashley said...

Parenting can be described in many ways. I look at parenting as a full tiem job which you should love to do. Parents are suppose to be their for the family and others around them. With being a parent comes responsibilty and leadership. An example of parenting shown in Stranger than Fiction is "My wife will only go to a couple tournaments a year. She'll go to State and she'll go to Nationals, but she won't go to a ot because she's afraid of injuries." (pg. 14) This quote shows the responsibilty and love this character's mother has for her son. i think that isn't good parenting but at the same time its just being a loving parent because she really cares for her son enough that she'll let him do what he pleases but doesnt want to watch him get hurt because she cares so much about him.

Quinten said...

To me a parent is someone whos been there from the beginning and will always be there until the end. Someone whos raised you in the best manner they could. It doesnt have to be your biological mother or father but someone who does nurture and protects you. In my book, The Last American Man, it talks about the main characters first memories. Memories of him and his father walking through the woods and "How enlighting it was to hear his voice". I think many of us had those kinds of moments with our parents when we were young. Theres a reason we remember moments like those. Its because of the love we felt for that parent, and how you knew that they loved you. Thats what a true parents can offer most.

brandon said...

"But the best memories of all is how she loved all of us, and did everything she could for us. She never had a favorite child. And thats what i think about all the time- how great a mom she was."

The parent I chose to talk about in Our America is Lloyd's mother. In the book his mother died from sickness because she was drinking and not eating. She could not deal with the loss of her mother and father so she was forced into a habit that eventually ended her life. This is sad because even though I never had to experience the loss of a mother or a father I kow that it really hurt them in more than one way. Their mom was defined as a parent because she did what a mother shoukd do. Anything and everything she could for her children. She had her setbacks that ended her life short but she was human and humans make mistakes. Her children cared about her and was sad to see her go. A parent is a the person that gave birth to you. thats really all a parent is. now what a parent does is most important. A parent should be a provider, protecter, comforter, best friend, advice maker , and the list can go on and on and on but not every parent does that. but it is what a parent's responsibility is to do.

Russell Niquette said...

A parent is a person who helps raise and care for someone, most often a child. In the book Stranger Than Fiction a wrestler says on page 23 "I have other priorities. I have my little girl. After this that’s it for me.” He knows that wrestling is over for him, but he knows that he still has to help out and raise his child.
For him to understand that he needs to help raise his child more than going and keep on wrestling is that he knows that another priority is to try to raise his daughter.
Parenting is all about raising and nurturing a person, most often their child and you must know the priorities. You must willing to give up on something sometimes in order to help and nurture them.

shawn said...

A parent in the book that i am reading "The Last American Man",goes by the name of Mrs.Conway.

The one specific quote or saying that give away the fact that she is an parent is when she stated the fact that she was terrified of her husband, and she was catching a lot of abuse from both her husband and son. The following could be located on page 39. As far as the definition of an parent,a parent is a protector, provider, and mentor. Their full of wisdom,knowledge, and understanding.

Their resposible for distributing as much as those three things that ive previously named, into your life.

As far as comparing the parenting skills of the novel, to the skills of my own parent, there are no simularities. My parent wouldn't tolerate abuse of any kind from her husband or child, but everyone is different.

Adam said...

A parent is somebody who loves and nutures a child. Well actually a parent is more than just somebody taking care of somebody its more of a life long comittment. In STF there are men who are giving up wresteling to either take care of their family or start families. They really dont say to much as to defining themselves as parents they show it more with there actions. They leave their wresteling families to create a real family. A family of there own. In STF Jackson says "I have a son,and he's started to wrestle a little bit, but he does tae kwon do, soccer, basketball, and I really hesitate to push him toward wresteling in any way because it is such hard work for a little reward."(page 24) I agree with his parenting style because he likes that his son is wanting to wrestle but at the same time he dosent because he wants his child to have more than he did. He wants his son to get more interested in something that would make him more money in the future because wresteling isnt very lucrative. In my opinion like every other parent he wants his child to have a better life than he did. He doesnt want his son to have to work as hard as he does.

Rakisha ReNee' said...

"I hope you end up with no drugs, and educated. And whatever you do with your life, do the best with it that you can". Parents give you encouragement and help raise as you grow into adults. A parent is not always the person that births you. A parent can be your grandmother, cousin, aunt uncle ect. because they give you the love and nourishments you need. Being a parent doesn't just last for a year it is a lifetime commitment to a person. One of the characters in my book look at his grandmother as his parent. She takes care of him, love and gives him the discpline he needs as a child. His mother has an illness so really cant be there for him.
This quote stood out to me because of the advise and encouragement she gave him. Most of all it was straight to the point. Most people like to make long speeches about bettering yourself, i felt that this quote was meaningful but at the same time spoke the truth.

Mark Asato said...

A parent is someone who cares for you and loves you for who you are. This person is always there for you no matter what. You can talk to this person whenever you have a problem, even if it is very bad. They will always listen to you and care for you.
Like Chris' mom, in Stranger Than Fiction page 14, his dad said, "she will only go to a few tournaments a year because she's afraid of injuries. She doesn't want to be there when one happens." This shows that his mom cares about him and that she doesn't want him to get hurt. Even though she worries about him, she still supports him in wrestling. I feel that this is a very good example of how a parent should be to their kids. It may not be what they want, but they still support him because he enjoys doing it. I know that my mom and dad have sacrificed a lot of their time to me because I played hockey. Before I could drive, my dad would drive me to every game, far or near. He didn't fully understand how the game was played until I started playing. Once he passed away, my mom took over and she gave even more of an effort to make it out to my games. I am very glad that I have parents who care about me and would sacrifice anything for me. A parent is someone who will care for you and will love you no matter what you do.

Jarryd said...

In "Our America" LeAlan's parents werent so much of parents. He didnt know who his father was, and his mother had a mental illness. LeAlan's parent was his Grandmother June Marie Jones.

"the state said they would put you all up for adoption because of your mother's mental condition". That quote shows how LeAlan's grandmother took custody over him and his sisters.Doing that alone shows how much his grandmother was involved in his life because she could have easily not taken custody over him and he could have never seen his family again. I think that was very loving and caring, because believe or not there are plenty of mothers and fathers who do not want thier children.

A parent is someone who loves, watches, hears, talks and disciplines you. A parent is someone who should know the most about you. Although everybody's parents are not the same, being a parent takes alot of responsibility, and time. Everyone isn't able to be a parent,but unfortunately everyone is able to have kids. So I really look at a parent as a blessing.

Carlos said...

In my opinion a parent is someone who is responsible for a child and takes the actions necessary to supply for them. One of the character's father is an alcoholic. He's a good guy and he still comes around some of the time but most of the time he is out drinking. His sisters are taking care of him so in this case I would have to call them the parents. Lloyd asks them "Do you call yourself a mother raising us?". She responds "Yes. Sometimes people ask,"do you got kids?" And I say, "yea I got 4 of them. "They're my brothers and sisters,but I take care of them and I love them like they was my own."

LeAlan has a sister who is 17 and already has a 2 year old son. She states, "I,d do it all over again. He's the most precious thing in my life. I love everybody in my family, but my baby is the most important thing to me right now." I consider her a real mother.

A parent is someone who is willing to take care of a child and show love to him. Parents are those who provide and do as many things as possible to keep you safe.

nick matsas said...

A Parent is someone who knows what's right for there children and to be there for them. In my book the parent is a wrestler. In my quote the wrestler talks about his son starting to wrestle a little bit and he expresses concern about his son doing this. " I really hesitate to push him toward wrestling in any way because it is such hard work for little reward," (24). This defines the wrestler Kevin Jackson as a parent, he knows his son is involved in a bunch of different activities and theres no reason to push one dangerous acitivite with no reward. A parent wants to see there kids accomplish in life and thats would be the most rewarding thing of all to a parent.

tajahammons1 said...

what is your biggest accomplishment in life? having my children was my biggest accomplishment is what Maria Jones"toochie" quoted.In Our America Maria Jones "toochie" talks about her illness being bipolar and why giving her mother custody of her children was the best decision she made.Giving her children to her mother didnt affect her relatinship with her children it was just like having two mothers.A parent is someone who cares about each and every decision you make in life,supports you no matter what you may have in store to do,and most of all protects and guide you through life.A parent always gives advice shows you the rights and wrongs of life. A parent is love and i love my parents.

sweettea said...

Parenting can be hard in many ways, some ways more than others.There is no same way to raise a child, everyone is different. I feel that you don't have to have a child to be a parent, it could be a younger sibling, children that you look after and even your close friends at times.

The word parent basically means someone who takes responsibilty for another. Things such as advise, loving care,MONEY (lol j/k). In the story the wrestlers are very pumped up about what they do, but not everyone were behind them on what they enjoied doing. "What do you think about me wrestling?' Yeah ok if you want to be single." Most of the time people say things they don't really mean, because they are hurt inside. I guess they don't know what else to say....I do that from time to time...